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Default 04-03-2005, 06:54 AM

Originally Posted by Tripper
Originally Posted by "newt.":60282
thats so much bullshit. people been drinking water for thousands of years, theres been what like 2 cases in recorded history of deaths due to overcomsumtion of water.

atleast 64 fl ounces per day, to 128 fl ounces
2 cases in total? Hardly.... I can remember at least 5 or 6 cases of ecstasy related body drownings alone...
ecstasy does that to you, makes you feel thirsty and you drink and drink and drink until u die.Newt, just because people and animals have been drinking water for millions of years doesnt mean that it wont kill you if you drink too much[/quote:60282]

to kill you, you need to drink like 5 gallons. drinking 20 glasses a day wont do any harm at all. if you did that like every day, youd be fuckin uber-healthy
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