04-09-2005, 10:43 PM
im never goign into a theater again. But really that whole handicapped thing makes sense.
My job.. oh I do kinda have one
I am a periodicles person at my schools library. That means I go through and shelf and rearrange all the magazines and newspapers and otehr periodicals.
1) Working in a library is easy
False. Fuck you it sucks. We have to "read shelves". That means at least for one hour per week we have to go throug han entire section of books and read every single fucking number on them to make sure they are in order.
2) the magazines magically re order themselves. I can put them where ever I want. And if there is a sign saying place on cart do not reshelf, that doesnt apply to me.
False - Fuck you again. I have to rearange all the magazines. PLace the god damn books and shit on the cart. It makes our life easier.
3) Working in a library is for wusses.
Maybe but then again how often have you had the oppertunity to carry a large amount of heavy books and bend down and shelf them
Ok so it might not be soooo bad. But it does suck. I end up just reading all the magazines for half the time im there.