04-10-2005, 01:41 AM
Iam a busperson in the buffet at a casino
I clean tables, and help with the servers as much as i can, rearrange tables to accomadate for large parties, tables weight like 100 lbs easy....Servers are suppose to get the large dinner plates, and leave the bowls cups etc. for me to get.....i push a cart, with 3 big plastic tubs, a trash can and a little trashcan looking thing for the silverware and my cleaning solution(soap water)
1) I want to take the plates off your table lady - FALSE
I take your plates, which fills my cart up faster, thus causing me to have to go to the back to dump my cart, thus causing me to get behind on dirty tables, thus causing servers to lose money because without customers they get no tips..
2) Servers get paid well they don't need tips - False, servers make 4.50 / h which by standards is pretty good, but after tax they make maybe 3.50/h and then many of them at the end of the year have to pay back tax, one guy told me tonight he owes 800 bucks....another guy owes like 2k......ouch
- SERVERS NEED TIPS, that's how they make thier money.
3) Restraunt food is fresh - false i don't know what buffet you went to jack, but you think they are going to throw away 200 bucks in prime rib just cuz it's old......ha
4) Bussers are mindless dolts - false ..(well i can name a few that are dumber than a doornail) ...though cleaning tables is a mindless chore, iam actually fairly intellegent, it's just the only job i could get with no expereince...
5) Gambling is a diease - True.....everyone has that "get rich quick" mentality walking in and that "oh god i just spent my childs savings" mentality walking out. These people have nothing better to do with thier retirement money than at a slot machine....it's sad really..
6) The casino always wins - true, yet you might walk out with twice what you came in with if your good at blackjack, but if every tom dick and harry that came in, walked out with 2x what he started, would the casino still be open? doubt it, in the long run you will lose, no matter what game your playing, if you win, leave.........or start the game with 20 bucks in your right pocket, winnings go in your left, when you run out of the 20 bucks, take what you won and run......that's how they get ya...