04-10-2005, 03:53 AM
Long story short, I work at [url=http://www.sykes.com/:ef442]Sykes[/url:ef442], which is a product/technical support outsourcing company. I work on the Telia Internet & Broadband section, and all I do is answer the phone and listen to pissed of customers all day. Pays pretty neat, can get close to $1400/month, but rent isnt that neat: about $460/month, and its a oneroomer in a tiny little shitsociety. But thats over for another 7,5 months, since Im in the army now (which is considered a job aswell here).
My part in the army then: Well, its actually the airforce, and my position is Squad Leader for a surveillanve, guarding and strikeforce. Our job is to make sure that no-one that should be on the base gets in, that no-one without proper papers gets in to any of the protected buildings and I also do some of the job that SWAT do over in the US: as soon as we get an alarm from a building, we go in with loaded guns and search the place.
My current rank would be similar to Private in the US I suppose, and in a couple of weeks ill be LCpl. Olofsson for you brits, and Cpl. Olofsson for the yanks. When my service is over, ill be Cpl. Olofsson for the britts, and you yanks dont have a corresponding rank (Furir is the Swedish one). Anyways, its a lousy pay, but the gvt. pays the rent.