08-18-2002, 11:42 AM
[quote="Captain Bunny":90b9d][quote="*MoG*Quartus":90b9d]
the Bible has all the answers to any question or situation you have..[/quote:90b9d]
How does a combustion engine work?
In MOHAA, how do you get past the bunkers after stealing the new german gun?
My car was written off after a nasty accident, why wasnt my insurance company pissed off at me, when instead they helped me out so much?
Do you want to rephrase the thing I quoted from you now? answers to everything ...pfft.[/quote:90b9d]
Gladly ...pfft.
The Bible has all the answers to any question or situation you have regarding how you should : live a peaceful life, treat your fellowman, treat your parents, treat your wife, treat your children, respect others, handle your finances, behave @ school, behave @ work, contribute to society, react to authority, have a happy marriage or relationship, avoid sexual diseases, labor or rest, grow in true wisdom, not be a fool, be eternally secure, etc, etc.
You know the things that really matter in this life. biggrin:
You get the picture, unless you're a relative of the Tin man.