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Default 08-18-2002, 03:17 PM

Im less than impressed.

Infantry fighting is rare and when it happens your best choice is to grab your knife and charge because you wont hit shit with a rifle or your handgun, let alone a automatic.

Sniping is a joke, even a motionless target with the sights on his chest doesnt take a hit. (tried it)

So much for the rumor that some guy played on 56k from the states on a server in the UK with a 100 some odd ping. Cause thats total BS, i played on a server in town and still had over a 400 ping and eventually had "connection probelms detected". So much for DSL, and the home field advantage. Even in mohaa i could play a UK server without going over 200.

Frankly the game looks like crap, i point out the weapon models for referance. Plays like crap, i refer you to the 400 ping in town. The rocketeers/ snipers being the only classes anyone uses except engineer so they can fix the tank there driving.

Good concept poor exicution, wont waist $5 on it.
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