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*MoG*Quartus is Offline
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Default 08-18-2002, 03:47 PM

Originally Posted by Pyro
Going by sins and like getting into Heaven....I am sure every man who has a penis should be going to hell

I'm sure everyone has done something with there penis either before they should or like it is not allowed anyway

So exactly how good do you have to be to get into Heaven, I'm sure even the Pope did something that was a sin
I don't know you're going with the penis thing oOo: but actually we all should be going to hell, yet God in his mercy gave an escape through his only son, Jesus Christ. Jesus took God's wraith on himself so you won't have too. Christ took our beating for us so to speak, and now God sees his son's righteousnees instead of our wickedness when He looks at those of us who have accepted His gift of salvation.

Yes this truly is preaching, but you asked and it is Sunday. biggrin:
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