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Old sigs & Work. Post 'em if yah got 'em.
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Default Old sigs & Work. Post 'em if yah got 'em. - 04-19-2005, 05:56 PM

After a few requests, I figured I'd make a post for old sigs and stuff. I have a few disks that are loaded, but I can't seem to find the damned things. But I did find two, so here are some of the highlights....

Feel free to make requests, or post, ect..

*For the new guys, an explination: When I began to learn how to use PS, I saved sigs and stuff that I saw and loved. These I used for ideas, and helped me to develope my own style and abillity. I highly suggest trying it. It can work wonders for your skills!

Strvs ~ The Famous Ones:




Apoc ~ Most of his best stuff is on a CD I can't find, but here are a few anyway:


Coheed ~ We developed about the same time, and for a bit made a few trends, lol. Here are a few of my favs:


Several more coming, gotta do some uploading....
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