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Re: The 2000's suck.
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Default Re: The 2000's suck. - 04-19-2005, 08:41 PM

Originally Posted by Whatada
I'm sure you all know this already, and I'm sure you've all thought about this.. But the modern day sucks. I just take a look back to the forties and fifties, and I think "Damn, they've got it good."

They might not have had technology, and they might not have had all the cures for diseases, but just think; No threat of heavy nuclear activity, no AIDS, considerably less crime, and none of this modern music. Given, most is OK, but 95% of music is no longer hear-felt expression of emotion, it's one big show-boat. Air pollution was hardly near the issue that we have now. I would literally, possibly kill, to grow up in the 30's - 50's.

The economy wasn't in the dumps, (Even considering the depression), and the world was a considerably wonderful place to live in. Given, missing out on all this modern technology would kill me, it would do more good than bad. With less people sitting at home watching HDTV or sitting on the computer 8 hours a day, America wouldn't be full of obese morons.

What do you fellas think about this?
Before I scrolled down and saw the other peoples post, I thought WTF. Like Spike and Tripper said, WW2, Great Depression ect. WTF are you thinking?
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