04-20-2005, 03:22 PM
Cold/Snipy ~ Only two I could find...
Ralph ~ I could have sworn you had some "My name is Ralph Wilson and I use a rifle" sigs... back in the day stuff... But I can't find anything?
Arch ~ The one and only. I'm not gonna post a bunch of Arch's stuff cause he never spent a bunch of time here. But I have over 30... if anyone is interested in seeing some, I will post.
For those who don't know his work, good example:
Here are a few that I saved based on the coolness of the sig. Some of these guys have folders now, but most of this was all packed into a "Various" folder:
[img]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y111/TiberiusAD/sigsavas/Others/noctis_power_1.jpg[/img](I think this one is Judas)
[img]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y111/TiberiusAD/sigsavas/Others/falcoflight1.jpg[/img](Does anyone have any more from Falco? I had like 6, but now I can't find 'em)
[img]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y111/TiberiusAD/sigsavas/Others/spamzooka_joe2.jpg[/img](Everybody loved Joe)