04-27-2005, 07:41 PM
Ya'know Static, I don't really give a shite. Being friends as long as we have, I'm sure you know I follow what feels good, not whats on the top 10 list... hell most of us do.
Lots of the stuff I make have the small fonts, because I think it fits best. In fact, I think the problem most people have with text directly relates to not only font choice, but font size.
I always try to make the text fit... like a beer label, if you will. Big Text and little text. Different fonts, and different sizes to create a message that belongs to the bottle... see what I mean?
I've done my share of "Crop & Go's" and "Artsy" stuff to be sure, but I'm capible of much more than that, and I enjoy going new directions and testing new styles... Overdone or not.
I think if folks around here used the pixel fonts, and small fonts more, they may actually get comfortable with not only text use, but multiple text, and develope strong combination text skills.
$0.02 & I still love love yah.