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Default 04-30-2005, 05:54 AM

Originally Posted by TiberiusAD
Originally Posted by Judas
being teased by someone who doesnt have access to pistols / automatic weapons / etc is one thing, i guess...

... his religious beliefs aside ( im pretty sure as americans we are free to pratice however we like ), i believe that he had the right to defend himself against threats ... im imagining that those killed probably gave him a pretty hard time about his beliefs.

i dont think its right to kill anyone or anything ( im pretty sure you do, however ), so im not defending the killings. im just saying that its funny as shit to see all you gung-ho fuckers rush to judge about him knowing little about what he went thru and simply because it was soldiers killed.

I cannot speak for the others who have replied, but I'm a vet, Zaps current...and I think Col a vet too... so those guys may agree with me.

He deserves to die, here is why:

Regardless of any political, religious, or mental issues he may have, the man is a Soldier...not just a grunt, he is a Non-Commissioned Officer, a leader and suppervisor of soldiers in a combat zone.

He decided that the lives of his fellow soldiers were worth less than his own. He decided that instead of taking personal action in the form of "Non-Combatant" status, simple refusal to go into combat, or Religious convictions in the form of communications and harbor of the chaplin. (You can go into the Chaplin's office/tent and sit down and refude to fight. Perfectly legal and you will not be asked to reconsider... it's called a Concensious Objector sp?)

This man chose to toss GRENADES into the tents of his own men and stand outside with his rifle and shoot OFFICERS!

I have no remorse for the bastard. I firmly belive any mental conditions he may be suffering from are either bullshit or caused by guilt.
I also seriously doubt his men gave him any form of shit about his religion, this is not a movie. Real soldiers do not show that kind of disrespect.

It is difficult to try to explain how wrong this is to guys who have never served, I hope that I have at least shed some light on how the vets that saw this happen felt, and why we feel that the guy should die.

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