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Alex D is Offline
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Default 04-30-2005, 12:52 PM

Originally Posted by TiberiusAD
Originally Posted by Judas
being teased by someone who doesnt have access to pistols / automatic weapons / etc is one thing, i guess...

... his religious beliefs aside ( im pretty sure as americans we are free to pratice however we like ), i believe that he had the right to defend himself against threats ... im imagining that those killed probably gave him a pretty hard time about his beliefs.

i dont think its right to kill anyone or anything ( im pretty sure you do, however ), so im not defending the killings. im just saying that its funny as shit to see all you gung-ho fuckers rush to judge about him knowing little about what he went thru and simply because it was soldiers killed.

I cannot speak for the others who have replied, but I'm a vet, Zaps current...and I think Col a vet too... so those guys may agree with me.

He deserves to die, here is why:

Regardless of any political, religious, or mental issues he may have, the man is a Soldier...not just a grunt, he is a Non-Commissioned Officer, a leader and suppervisor of soldiers in a combat zone.

He decided that the lives of his fellow soldiers were worth less than his own. He decided that instead of taking personal action in the form of "Non-Combatant" status, simple refusal to go into combat, or Religious convictions in the form of communications and harbor of the chaplin. (You can go into the Chaplin's office/tent and sit down and refude to fight. Perfectly legal and you will not be asked to reconsider... it's called a Concensious Objector sp?)

This man chose to toss GRENADES into the tents of his own men and stand outside with his rifle and shoot OFFICERS!

I have no remorse for the bastard. I firmly belive any mental conditions he may be suffering from are either bullshit or caused by guilt.
I also seriously doubt his men gave him any form of shit about his religion, this is not a movie. Real soldiers do not show that kind of disrespect.

It is difficult to try to explain how wrong this is to guys who have never served, I hope that I have at least shed some light on how the vets that saw this happen felt, and why we feel that the guy should die.
word. +1

and regarding the abuses at that prision. Well, they weren't real soldiers, I mean, it was said they had little training in what they were doing (guarding prisioners), and even that it is not clear if they weren't following direct orders.

Psychos are everywhere, civilians and military alike. Proper training and screening can eliminate some of them, but there is always somebody who will sneak the process and cause harm. This was one of the cases, and unfortunately there were victims. Fortunately the law (and correct application of) prevailed and the guy will be executed. Let's see what the appeals court say about.
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