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Default 05-01-2005, 12:26 PM

I've heard this story before, but likley others have not. +1

Here is what the profacy is, short version:

It explains the origen of man-kind and goes on to explain why we fight, and why we are of different race.

The profacy itself carefully discribes each of 3 great wars, and how we missed our oppertunity to resolve our differences and become a whole people again.

To understand why this is not just "Mumbo-Jumbo" you must understand that the Cherokee, as well as most all Native American people understand, speak, and relate with very heavy influence from sybolism. Terms like "Fire-Water" for whisky are a good example of how Native American tribes first related and discribed then unexplainable technologies.

If any of you guys have strong native American heritage, I'd encourage you to persue it and discover your ancestory. If your Cherokee, get with me and I can help you to get what you need to re-claim your Native birthright.
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