Originally Posted by Madmartagen
Whatada, just shut the fuck up, ok you retard? Re-read what you posted with your head out of your ass and then tell me how that nugget of knowledge you had isnt the most ignorant bullshit ever.
Short, what is the purpose of posting that pic? These are two seperate incidents, and although you seem to feel that you made some sort of point by posting that pic while highlighting Robs specific quote, the subject at hand and the Abu Gahraib scandal are completely unrelated. He said 'real soldiers dont show that kind of disrespect.' As in, we already know that those prison guards are pieces of shit and thus arent considered real soldiers. Where is the correlation?
This guy deserves the firing squad/noose because hes a traitor, plain and simple. During war, there is a more severe dependancy for you to stick to your duty and proffesionalism when you are on the battlefield. If he wasnt able to keep himself out of it, then he has to suck it up or do his time in jail. You are supposed to count on your friends and brothers in war above everyone else, especially when you feel like you are in an unjust war. You think those other soldiers wanted to be there? Anyone here think they would rather sit in the sand than to be home? He could have refused to go out on patrol and take the consequences like a man. Instead, he opted out like a coward and killed his brothers who were in the same situation as he was.
Summed up right there ladies and gentlemen. I totally agree.