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Default 05-01-2005, 10:10 PM

[quote="Short Hand":1ee1a]
Originally Posted by TiberiusAD

Yeah, you totally missed what I was saying there. Let me re-cap:

Judas said: "im imagining that those killed probably gave him a pretty hard time about his beliefs."

I have never...never seen one soldier insult another based on a religious preference. It is both a hightened sence of respect for each other, and a respect for personal freedom.

So I said: "Real soldiers do not show that kind of disrespect."

This is all in relation to our subject, the Sgt who took other soldiers lives so he would not have to go into battle.

Your pic, is a entirly different situation. In fact, my opinion on that matter is simply: SOMEONE told them to do this. There was an order SOMEWHERE that was given to the guards at the prison.
I think it was a humiliation tactic by CIA/Interigation officers to attempt to force the captives to talk. Humiliation is a HUGE pressure point in their culture.
I seriously doubt that the soldiers took it upon themselves to arrange such elaborate pictures, and abuses.
I am not trying to justify his actions zen, only show you that soldiers aren't these perfect machines. We have no clue what went on with this guy, and to tell you the truth, in order for him to do what he did..... something very FUCKED up must have been happenning, All I know is, I would tell my commander to shove it if he told me to do such things.[/quote:1ee1a]

Nah, you just didn't think before you posted that totally irrelevant pic - Just trying to stir up controversy as usual, too bad everyone here already knows the drill so all you stir up is more dislike for your behaviour and yourself in general.
Zen never even elluded to the fact that soldiers were perfect machines. You pulled that out of your ass as an excuse for your ignorant mistake. To me, this character seems like a fanatic, just a typical islamic extremist. They're all over places like Palestine and Iraq, so whats so hard about believeing one would be in the U.S? He said himself he wouldn't stop until the U.S was destroyed or something along those lines....That should sum it up right there.

Fact is, this guy is obviously not a typical soldier, and typical soldiers obviously wouldn't act like that. Otherwise, you would see it way more often within the armed services....You don't have to be a psychology major to see the clear signs.
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