Thread: new ACU photos
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Default 05-02-2005, 02:56 AM

Originally Posted by negative
Yes, it does restrict movement as well as circulation. They tried to issue elbow pads but they never caught on. From what I understand, your supposed to have flak vest, helmet, and kneepads anytime you are in the field-so even if you dont want to wear them-you have to have them on.

The tigerstripe may look cool, but it was inneffective in Vietnam. The stripes on the design are horizontal, while things in nature tend to be verticle. The horizontal stripes allowed people to see your outline easily, they also faded easily.

I have not seen the cyrevision stuff-looks interesting
the tiger strip was ineffective ?? thats why the SOG and Recon Teams that wore the tiger stripe camo inflicted alot of damage on the VC in their own backyard.

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