05-02-2005, 11:26 PM
Here is mein story of my friends:
Three months ago, three of my friends went to the Peach Bowl in Georgia. They did because they were in band. While they were there, one of my friends apparently pissed into a thing of milk, and he gave it to an Asian freshmen, the asian drank it. So, just recently about Thursday, they get in trouble for it, my other two friends pretty much had nothing to do with it. However, the Big, Black, Head of security has to be a fucking douche and consider it "GUILTY BY ASSOCIATION". WHich is bullshit, and I highly doubt that it's legal to do that in school. Not only that, but he the head of security lied about something to get both of my friends suspended longer, however, my friend's parents (one is a well-known lawyer) bitched the school out. So now the two friends of mine are back in school for only being suspended half a day. My friend who actually did the pissing in the bottle, is still suspended though, and they want to give him a few days in jail or 9 months community service, because he is 18 now, but was 17 at the time of the Peach Bowl. So my point: It's not just kids that are fucked up. It's the schools. oOo: rolleyes: