05-05-2005, 03:37 AM
ive never been 'fat', even though i worry about my weight like a woman. ive always been boarder line ... i love to eat. i love food. i dont think theres a thing wrong with loving food and enjoying it.
i will admit that i am usually repulsed when i see some HUGE fucker buying candy bars , etc ... im not really sure if repulsed is what i feel for them even ... i know damn well that they are unhappy, yet there they are buying shit thats going to worsen their situation.
i also think blaming fast food operations for peoples eating habits is ridiculous and for some reason seems to be a trend amoung non-americans. they arent force feeding people their product. the blame needs to be placed on the people without any self control eating 4 big macs and not mc donalds ffs.
the "americans all are fatties" is just jealousy imo. we are the wealthiest, most powerful nation on the globe which enables us to enjoy the better things in excess ...
i dont buy the gene shit either ... ive gained weight and got up off my ass and exercised and lost it ... its really easy. people are just too damn lazy to do it and find the easiest thing to blame it on. if your parents are fat , they probably eat fatty shit, over eat, or both, and so will you. thats pretty much the gene theory as i see it.