Originally Posted by "Jin-Roh":4f523
He is black, he is racist, he is a Malcom X-type [and not a Dr. King-type].
You're a fucking moron who clearly needs to learn more about his own nation's history.
For one thing, it's not that big of a deal to drink urine, it probably wasn't even urine, if it was, it was very little. It was a one time thing so it's not that big of a deal, but that is one thing me and friends do, do stupid, mischevious shit. But most of the time it has nothing to do with other people.[/quote:4f523]
Actually it is a very big deal tricking other people to drink someone elses urine. It is so unbelievebly unhealthy not to mention fucking disgusting. If I met a kid like you in person I swear to god I'd beat the fucking shit out of you. You're one of those little tossers who has avoided a good beating despite being a childish little brat. So go on with your "stupid mischevious shit," because as you get older all that will get you is lack of sex and serious beatings from seriously pissed off people. Your mommy and daddy won't be able to help you in that situation either.
What are you, 17 - 18? Grow the fuck up.[/quote:4f523]
exactly what i was thinking.
If anyone did that shit to me (even my best mate) I would beat the living shit out of them. "Drinking urine isnt a big deal" wtf you dumb fuck, its soo unhealthy, its all the waste from the food and drink you consume along with the chemicals your body put into it. ffs grow up, your supposed to be going into adulthood. Your acting like a fucking 11 year old.