Originally Posted by Judas
i also think blaming fast food operations for peoples eating habits is ridiculous and for some reason seems to be a trend amoung non-americans. they arent force feeding people their product. the blame needs to be placed on the people without any self control eating 4 big macs and not mc donalds ffs.
the "americans all are fatties" is just jealousy imo. we are the wealthiest, most powerful nation on the globe which enables us to enjoy the better things in excess ...
Well where I come from you can't buy a gallon of coke like I understand you can at some McDonalds in the states....and that's just an example - I'm not saying fast food places are totally to blame, obviously people have free-will, but you can't deny they're a strong factor. I mean, if it's on the menu - it's tempting and people ARE going to buy it at some stage.
I'm lmfao at you thinking we non-americans are just jealous so we call you fatties....That's too funny.
I understand it to be a known fact that there is a problem with obesity in the U.S. ....Blame your own media for reinforcing that idea over and over again, if it isn't true....We didn't just pull it out of our ass as a stereotype - It's been wrapped up and sent as fact to us...
P.S - I enjoy a quality of life that is probably just as good, if not better than alot of Americans - so you can hardly say that you enjoy better things in excess....Most of the weight "criticisms" come from western nations that enjoy the same quality of life anyway....
That statement from you actually makes me wonder if you have stepped outside of your country and noticed that the rest of us aren't living in dirty little shanty towns green with envy at Americas utter brilliance as a rich and powerful country....It's just simply not true. Aside from size, culture and mentality our countries are pretty much alike....That includes Canada, England, Australia and New Zealand....