05-05-2005, 06:14 AM
Only one way to become un-fat in a world with so much food today. Exercise, and a understandable diet. It took me 2 years of reducing how much I ate to lose 103 pounds. When I was a kid, I did lots of sports, karate etc (I played midfield in soccer), Then came high school, and during my first 2 summers I stayed home to much and ate wayyyy to much. I put on a good 120 pounds over 13 months... A mistake I payed for in grade 11 lol any ways It took years of hard workouts, and smarter eating to lose it. Their is no "miracle pill" or great ab machine which will turn you into what you want to be, you have to bust your balls and work for it. rolleyes: Down to ab out 208 now (Im 6,1(1/2) ) . I plan on putting some more weight back on (muscle) for football thia year at college, I have a chance to try out for York, the best I am hopping for is to make the prep team beer: