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Default 05-05-2005, 08:12 AM

As a big dude, I figured I should weigh in here. Oh the PUN!

Anyway, obesity can't be dismissed as a product of eating habits/lifestyle alone. I'm 6'2" and tip the scale at around 300lbs, but do I eat fast food every other day and laze around on the couch all the time? No.

Granted, I could be more active but my struggle with weight is based on genetics more than lifestyle. I have a big frame and a lot of muscle, along with the spare tire around the waist. Losing weight is a struggle for me and it pisses me off when people naturally assume things about what I eat.

I can count on one hand how many times I've eaten McDonald's in the last 3 years.

What really gets me is when I see people on TV commercials or talk shows who show their "before" pics and they look enormous, but weigh the same as I do.

"This is me when I was 300lbs." ...and the dude looks like the Kool-Aid man in sweatpants and a Chip & Pepper t-shirt. All I can figure is that these people are like 5'2" and 300lbs.

What I'm trying to convey is the idea that some people are predisposed to be bigger. Don't be so quick to judge.  247
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