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Bean 2 is Offline
Command Sergeant Major
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Join Date: Jan 2002
Location: New York
Default 05-05-2005, 08:50 AM

I used to be chubby when i was in jr. high school because of bad food choices. I come from an Italian family where they pretty much force you to eat even if your not hungry. There is always food around and definitely not the healthiest stuff for you, pasta, meatballs, bruschuto, cakes, etc. What i did was try to limit what i was eating while eating healthier and started running everyday. Lost about 40 pounds. I think physical wellness needs to be taught extensively to kids when theyre younger. Teach them the right foods to eat and how to excercise. The parents must also play a part by making healthy meals for there kids. Kids need to shut off the tv and video games for an hour and go outside and play.
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