I love relgious debates, but I do try and avoid them.
My question...
The Bible was written by man, whether or not it was inspired by God. Man is fallible. Therefore so is the Bible.
I'd also like to add that I don't believe faith is a choice. One cannot wake up one morning and suddenly choose to believe in God.
I think religion (i.e. Christianity, Islam etc) is for the weak - and no offense to those who subscribe to it, but it is just the way I feel. It is cop-out. It takes more strength, more will, more faith to believe in nothing than it does to believe in a God. But that isn't to say the religion is a "bad-thing". Quite the opposite. It gives meaning to those who follow it and after all, if that keeps them going, what does it matter whether you believe they're wrong (except where it is used as an abusive tool)?
I'm an agnostic, by the way, so I don't dismiss the Bible outright, but I certainly do not care for it. In my eyes it is very likely a story that has been embelished over the years derived from something quite simple.