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Default 05-06-2005, 12:49 PM


The most I ever did on-line prior to AA was pron & research. Wife bought me the game for Christmas one year... which lead to a clan...which lead to here.
I eventually got into PS more than gaming and have not played the game in damn...I quess about a year now. I poped back to the old clans a few times just to see how things were going and all, but they are mostly all CoD now. AA is certainly dead now except for those super modders and few clans.

That kind-of brings up a very good point as far as we go. With AA in the shitcan & BS not working the site, I think most of us are here simply to visit with each other.
Perhaps we should make some changes to the forum areas/layout/cash & Karma/ect. to accomidate ourselves better? Simo's posting, Anti's posting, Inny's a mod... VC is gone... Things are certainly different now, we are ... dare I say it, living in an of the past?!?!

EDIT: I'll make a post in OT about it so everyone sees, and so as not to de-rail your thread.
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