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Ever laughed too hard ??
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Default Ever laughed too hard ?? - 05-09-2005, 03:49 AM

Tell us a lame story where you just couldn't stop laughing. Here's my story.

A few months back, i help a friend install tile in a commercial building that was being built. Anywho, since there was no working plumbing, i was using an old spackle bucket to piss into. I had it half filled with water and used it as my urinal. Anyway, we were there one evening (after all the other trades left) and i had to piss about a dozen times (musta drank alot of water that day) so, i just used my lil' plastic 5 gallon urinal. Well, when we left, i forgot to empty the bucket outside.
Fast forward to the following i'm walking into the building, i see this guy washing his hands and forearms in my piss bucket that i left out the night before !! He was going to the Deli and proceeded to take a lil' birdbath in my fucking piss bucket before he left !! I almost lost it right there so i hurried to the area where i was working and nearly died from laughing so hard!! My buddy, hearing the commotion enters the area and is asking me whats so funny. At this point, i'm balled up on the floor, tears billowing from my eyes, and i can't do nothing but laugh. Finally, i get "piss bucket" out and he hits the deck too !!

OMG, never in my life did i laugh that hard. My stomach hurt for hours after that and throughout the day, when the thought hit me, i'd start all over!! Fucking crazy to see someone washing up in your piss. I didn't have the heart to tell the poor bastard.

The world is my urinal
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