05-09-2005, 08:48 PM
Duke Doesn't have multiple accounts, That Ip you see is our School's Ip. Duke Is duke (Steve from the abovely posted site). I am Matt...as has been said (once again, reference to the above site). As for this Velvet coker dude....I have no earthly clue in hell. Its probably just one of slimy jerk off's at our school, Ill find out though, shouldn't be hard. And when I do, you can bet...Ill post all the info about him that I can find biggrin:
Oh, I myself haven't posted here in a while, but I check the threads a lot....Mabey....just mabey, Ill come back! I know yall <3 me!!
Well....actually most of you hate me, but oh well...
PS - Houston is the worst example for a city that I have ever treaded in....It is bad. I can't stand Houston.... but you must remember, Texas is a large state.