Thread: Hey Guys!
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TiberiusAD is Offline
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Default 05-10-2005, 03:44 PM

Originally Posted by bukdez
All Hail TiberiusAD?... lol...
Nien baby. My smurfs are untrackable, my IP changes every time I get on-line. But I tend to reveal myself...or get revieled fairly quickly by my posts. It's not like I change my account because I got banned or was hated....

I just like to switch names... I save Zone the trouble and just make a new account. I've never been asked to not do it, or got any flack from doing it, so one assumes it's not a big deal.

It also provides me with a false join date and post count, which has proved useful when people try to judge someone by more than thier words.
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