Originally Posted by ninty9
There is a big difference between a 747 hijacked by terrorists, and a single prop cessna.
Anyway, you missed my point. My beef is not with the response. If there is a plane that is in violation of air space, scramble fighters. That is a correct response. The problem is the media picks up on the story and just furthers the fearmongering the government already does. This story is a non issue. It shouldn't even be on the news right now. There are much more important things going on in the world that deserve media attention, that get none, yet all the news channels will stay on this story all day long.
Wait... you're annoyed that this story will be on the news all day? My mind is boggled on how that could possibly affect/annoy you? Its either this or some other crappy filler news or more car bombings in Iraq... thats the news for you.. if you let every stupid story annoy you... well... you'd be extremely annoyed.