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Default 05-12-2005, 03:50 AM

Originally Posted by Nyck
why dont all you fucking cock suckers shut the fuck up. Guess what mother fuckers...the US of A doesnt fuck around anymore after 9/11. The world that WE live in has changed. Planes were used to Kill people, REGARDLESS OF SIZE. You fly a plane near the white house, your ass is going down.

seems many of you forgot about 1994 Alot of you were like fucking 7-8 years old

"On Sept. 12, 1994, a pilot died when he crashed a small plane on the South Lawn of the White House. Steering a Cessna stolen from a Maryland airport, Frank Eugene Corder, an unemployed truck driver and an unlicensed pilot, flew into the prohibited airspace over the White House in the wee hours of that morning. Corder was killed when he dove the Cessna toward the mansion, crashing it on the South Lawn. His plane hit a tree on the steps of the South Portico, as well as a first-floor corner of the White House. President Clinton and his family were not in the mansion at the time. "

Kthx and stfu.
Your right Mr. Gordon, Hell look at Iraq, THREAT TAKEN DOWN BEFORE IT COULD KILL US ALL !
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