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Default 05-12-2005, 08:19 PM

My version is better, because I have the funding taken care of, lol.

Anyway, here is way I look at it....

This is not meant to be some super solution to all terrorism. To believe so is ignorance. So don't get the impression that this is supposed to be something it is not.

Now, a national ID card would serve the defence of the country and the Government like thus...
With each citizen card holder using thier card for everyday tasks like driving priviliges, plane boarding, oversees travel, bank accounts, ect. this gives the the DHS (Dept. Homeland Security) and local law enforcement the abillity to not only screen for know terrorists but also to identify missing persons, track internal espionage, and as an example identify cessna piolets that enter restricted airspace, lol.

The biggest worry an adverage citizen would have would be the "Big Brother" syndrome, and while I see no need for alarm personally... yeah I'm a bit of a commie, it would certainly cause some Americans to feel that thier privacy has been violated.

Now, some one said that a terrorist doesn't need an ID to crash a plane. Agreed, and this is not an attempt to stop that, it is an attempt to stop training the bastards to fly at Air schools in Florida. It is not an attempt to stop terrorism with a broad stroke, it is simply an attempt to stop terrorists from hiding in plain sight, as the article put it.

As we discussed earlier, there are hundreds of thousands of people in this country working today who are not legal. And our government is taking little if any inititive to track these people. This coupled with a more refined system of border control may help to stop or at least slow the progression of illegal imegration.

I don't like Bush anymore than the next guy, but I do like the idea of a more controled populous. I see things a little different, and I won't argue with anyone who thinks this is American Blasphamy at its best. I do see your perspective too.

Sorry for the shitty spelling, long day, lol.
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