Thread: Terrorist Tapes
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Default 08-19-2002, 03:39 PM

Originally Posted by Gh0st
And were not supposed to hate them for what they have done? They are terrorists... were not supposed to love them?

You're missing the point. The video wasn't released to "reveal the truth", but to produce an image, a conception and encourage certain ideas. My question, is how does that affect the political institutions such as the media? What happens when we're not presented with even a basic attempt (I say attempt because nothing is objective) at objective news.

But it is even more dangerous. As I said, is this what passes for news now on CNN? Plastering this all over their screens and their website (its on the mainpage for Christ's sake) suggests that suffering elsewhere around the world is less important. Indeed, it is taking up precious airtime that could be used to encourage the awareness bigger issues.

Who here actually looked at my link about the millions of chilrend who die each year from drinking water? Who read it? I would have a guess that maybe one or two people (and I would probably be able to tell you their names).