Thread: Terrorist Tapes
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Default 08-19-2002, 03:56 PM

Originally Posted by "Mr.X":7ea1a
...yes, listen to FWB everyone, it's all propaganda!!! oOo:
Is that the best you can do?

[quote:7ea1a]...we have no reason to believe those fuzzy care-bears Al-Queada, Taliban and Saddam mean us or anyone else harm..... hake:[/quote:7ea1a]

Where did I say that they meant us no harm, a quote please? All I'm stating is that the video means nothing.

Besides, that kind of torturing goes on in every western nation on a daily basis (even excluding government work).

On a final note, I find it incredible that I post the list of children who have died in the Palestine-Israel conflict only to get responses of "why the f*** should I care?" followed by jokes. Yet, this, this video of nothing (yes, it is awful an animal suffers, but compared to what is going on elsewhere) brings out great rage directed at a group that we have no proof is connected to it. It says alot about many people in this forum community.[/quote:7ea1a] you seriously think that opinions have just been formed because of that tape? you seriously think we are not aware of the ongoing carnage in the Middle East?
I suppose you conspiracy theorists think it's best to ignore everything and hope nothing bad happens as a result.