Originally Posted by Miscguy
Originally Posted by Trunks
heh. Well. id go with about 57 hired and trained mercs. I would be leader of course. Every 4 mercs would be lead by 1 lt, every 10 mercs lead by 1 captain, every 25 by one Colonel. Each 5 man team would include a rfileman, armed with ak-74 with bayonet attatchment, one 9mm beratta, a dagger, and a saber. A sniper,armed with a OSV-96, a 9mm beratta, a dagger, a saber. A heavy weapons trooper, armed with m203 gernade launcher, 2 9mm berrattas, dagger, and saber. A communications expert with same gear as a rfileman. And an officer, armed with same gear as a rilfeman, expect for having 2 9mm berettas. Some may say bayonets and sabers are obsolete, but in urban combat, etc, anything goes, and its better to be overprepared than underprepared.
Except when that worthless sabre snags on everything. Basically if your primary goes down, and one of your 24729420 M9's doesnt work and you cant reach your knife, you have problems. Dual m9's is also pointless no one dual weilds, fidling between them is just as fast as a practiced reload. its just more weight. In this situation over prepared is a bad thing since your guys are carrying worthless shit, instead of more ammo/water.
I would have to disagree. Even if u don't dual wield, having 2 can save u the time that it would take to reload one of em, instead of reloading just pickup the other one, it might not seem significant but a few seconds can mean the difference between life or death. I dont see why people see sabers as so primitive, they have farther reach than a dagger, and are superior to a bayonet in melee.