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Default 05-24-2005, 03:48 PM

I vote for you all to get in line and suck my fucking cock dickwads.

how bout everyfucking buddy can have their own sticky for posts dance:

Gerv's ATI thread

Pyros "Im listening too/tribes rules/codsucks/I should be mod/detroit sucks" thread

Statecs "useless fucking inchoherent spam reply" thread

Solidus's "I can't post anything besides crying about someone else" thread

Strvs "im a drone monkey who goes along with others opinions & oOo:"" thread

all you ever do is nag: nag: nag: its so fucking tiring, so please I think we would much more enjoy challenging and interesting shit...but it seem all your "shit" is, is a bunch of crying and whining like a little fucking bitch.

if your fucking tired of seeing my posts, make one of your own, any of you fucking cry baby cunts, all you do is fucking whine and piss about me making a thread and pollute this forum and topics with your pissing and moaning or insulting my wife or family(10 fucking replys of you cock sniffers crying and grabbing your pitchforks in this thread alone), rather than making one yourself and contributing.

"I'm a dog chasing cars. I wouldn't know what to do if I caught one. I just *do* things. I'm a wrench in the gears. I *hate* plans."
- The Joker
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