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Things you regret buying
Bucknub is Offline
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Default Things you regret buying - 05-24-2005, 10:18 PM

LXG dvd - cost me $40 (dont ask why I paid that much for it) was a complete waste

I pair of white reebok sweats, cost me $60 and I rarely wear them

brothers in arms $55

a haircut I paid $20 for and the lady didnt even do shit but I was too pussy to say anything about it

then I got my hair styled which costed me $60 and the guy put streaks in my hair which werent even noticable, and then did up my hair the same way I could have easily done it after I get outta the shower, but again I was too pussy to say anything about it

god of war, good game but was way too short, I would have been better of renting it. cost me $64

I could go on and on, but those are it from my recent memory.
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