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Default 05-26-2005, 01:57 PM

Originally Posted by negative
you shouldnt be able to genetically engineer your kids
Havent posted in a couple of days but I saw this thread, and then ur post, and boom, here I am. There is no reason why people should not be able to genetically engineer themselves or theri kids. Species naturally evolove over time anyway, the only thing we are doing is speeding up that process. We have to wait a hundred years for some genius to make a huge breakthrough. Well what if everyone was as smart as that genius huh? Imagine what great leaps humanity could take! This is one of the reasons I despise bush, he is so against stem cells and other things relating to it that he refuses to see the larger pciture. Whether we like it ot not, sooner or later this technology will be out. The only thing people like bush are doing is dragging time, and because of that hundereds of thousands if not millions of people, who could have been saved because of genteic engineering and/or stem cells will die. The fact of that matter is, this is not science fiction anymore. There is a russian saying my mother used to say a lot. it trasnlates to, "Technology is on the brink of fantasy" And it is true. With this technology, life expectancies could be literally, eliminated, diseases no longer a problem. Everyone would be able to reach their full potential. And stem cells is completely different from genetic engineering. Stem cells is basically regrowing organs from your own cells, meaning that your body wont reject the new organ, as well as the fact that donations of organs will not have to be used any more. Genetic engineering is basically instead of nature dictating how we evolve, etc, we will. Of course, there are minute benifiets that may be realized like the color of the eyes and hair, and other factors, but the real beauty is the fact that nobody will feeel inferior because they are overweight, nobody will feel stupid, and humans will, be able to fullfill all their unlocked potential. And dont tell me that it would cost too much money, and that only the rich would be able to afford it because that is bull. A smart leader could easily figure out how to make it so that everyone could have it done. Also, remember we live in the domain of reality. Limitations that people apparently have in sci fi movies doesnt necessarily mean we will have those same limitations. I believe whole hearedly that we will find a way to genetically engineer people after birth. which would solve a lot of problems. And do not forget. I am not forcing this on anyone. If you do not want it, then thats your choice. You can choose to not accept an organ made by using stem cells. You can choose not to genetically enhance yourself. But you should not be able to limit another persons freedom of choice. And I highly doubt that a kid would regret his parents genetically enhancing him. Again, you can do what you want, but you should not be able to force your child to do the same. Isnt that what America was originally founded for? A nation founded by the belief in the freedom of choice?
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