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Default 05-26-2005, 02:37 PM

Couldn't resist... I tried, but couldn't.



First sig & first Alias:

For those who never had the displeasure of meeting little Jimmy, here's a basic run-down:
AnimalMother joined the forum a long time ago, he stayed around for a lonnnnnnnng time. He was one of those guys that was cocky about it too. But during his time he managed to make everyone hate him, mostley because he felt better about himself by insulting others on-line. His favorite passtime, as Strvs pointed out, was to tell new members who posted sigs to "go die"...which he stole the phrase from Trip & Guar btw.

Then... he posted this picture of himself. Well, needless to say, he lost his "Bad-Ass" creditibillity. Someone mentioned he is banned now, I missed that but he was involved in the "Raids" for quite some time, and I would imagine Zone caught him at it again.
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