Originally Posted by Judas
Originally Posted by ninty9
There was a report today that said in Kingston Ontario, cops are 3.5 times more likley to pull a black person over than a white person.
dunno, call me racist if you want, but if there were more white folks running around shooting , robbing , stabbing , drug dealing, and gang banging, im sure the same would apply.
its common sense really, if a group of people commit more crime than another, target that group.
well, i'm not sure if the numbers work. But I'm guessing that the number of black that commit crimes in comparision to the total black population is greater than the number of whites that commit crimes in comparision to the total white population.
But that really doesn't justify pulling over a black person. If you're in an inner city though, african americans are most likely gonig to be the majority ---> more arrests in high concentrated population zone