05-27-2005, 06:15 AM
Rome Total War, I was playing against 2 Barbarian Civs online, The guys were part of a well known clan, and good players... ANyways, the cowards purposely picked a nearly fully forrested map, and hid in the forest, giving themselves the advantage... Which is considered to be cheap in ROME:TW. so with haste, I quickly tell my ally to rush his army to the nearest field, we run and wait... Next thing you know we are in a stand off for 40 minutes.... They are to cowardly to advance on us... Marching into the forest would mean suicide for us... Snow + forest + slight uphill advantage for them = impossible victory.... So they taunt us, again and again... and again.... Then time for action came.... I go tired of this bullshit and decided to take it to them, I quickly moved my forces up and seperated my arcani regiments (in secrecy, and made them take a huuggge flank route.. They would play a huge role later on.. As my forces marched up, their Archers open fired, a hellish rain storm of fire laced arrows streamed threw my legions lines... Loses were heavy, but I pressed on. Then "like a great explosion" I luanched my artillery at the opposing force as soon as their positions were shown. 2 direct hits on their archer warbands, the tension was now eased as I advanced even further. Next thiing you know the Germanic Player luanches a cavalry charge from a small forest, my Triarii quickly move into position and clash with there cavalry, the result was both sides completely killing each other off... Now for the fun. My legions clashed with his spearbands and chosen axemen, the fighting was bloody, but with better manuvering and my general rallying my men The victory was won... But was it in vain ? My ally (Macedonia), was completely wiped out..... Now I had to take on Gaul as well. My formations quickly re arranged themselves and got ready for the coming on slaught, BUT I had 1 trick up my sleeve, My arcani were right in center of where we would meet, so when the opposing force marcherd infront, the Arcani would quickly un camoflauge and flank the enemy. Gaul marches towards me, outnumbering me 2-1, My men throw a small barrage of javelins, little effect can be seen, then it happned. My arcani quickly luanched their attack, flanking the enemy swordsmen, they are caught by surpise and take heavy loses, then my legions go for an all out charge, full speed, the clash and scatter the gaulish swordsmen & other infantry, completely surrounding the remianing forces and winning the battle. The 2 guys kept of saying threw out the pre sets of the battle "You can huff and puff Mr Wolf, But you wont blow the forest down...... I said to them at victory "I blew the forest down ; p.
Great game, fun as hell. If anyone wants to play ROME online I play under the nickname groundforce1_com .