05-27-2005, 09:27 AM
This might seem a little retartet to you guys but..
...in CoD, over in the Harbor while playing as the Russians, while everyone else was shooting in those 2nd story windows, trying to flush the Germans out, there were a couple of us who would hide behind the crates near the spawn (It was Search & Destroy) and just stare at eachother, sometimes bashing eachother, but nothing much, and maybe try to start a conversation, to really nothing.
So we had been standing for almost 3 minutes, when I got bored and decided to go with the rest of the guy's who were playing more for kills than the objective, when I got a great idea...DANCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111111111
So I typed "Look at me, Im dancing" and pressed prone over and over, then jumped, then crouched and went prone, then looked to the left, fired, looked to the right, fired, then went prone. It was incredibly ghey, but us all being bored because since our team pretty much killed every Germinator on the map, we all formed a circle after someone suggested it, and we went in one by one, and "danced".