05-27-2005, 03:24 PM
Me and my brother playing together on the MOHAA Spearhead multiplayer demo, on Malta (best map ever) a couple years ago.
We'd join opposite teams and just hide out together, stuff like that... this one time i was axis against 3 or four allies (not including my brother), and we'd camp out in a corner in a narrow hallway on Malta, where they couldn't see me... my brother was standing right in front of me, making sure no allies who passed could see me. So once they passed I'd pop and nail em in the head w/ the Kar. Ahh... good times. I kicked ass on Malta.
I also remember joining the opposite team as my brother for sniper only matches on Malta... I sucked at them so I just served as a scout for my brother; told him where all my allies were sniping from.
...Getting 30 kills, 0 deaths on Brest with a springfield; watching over the axis spawn.
Heh. Remember all that as if it were yesterday.
Oh yeah, and I remember finally beating legendary on Halo (that last level = bitch) after weeks of trying with my best friend.
Buying GoldenEye for N64 off a kid from school, and playing it for the first time (my first FPS). Hiding in the bathroom stalls on that one MP level rocked... rock: