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Sniped Ur Azz is Offline
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Location: Houston, Tx
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Default 05-28-2005, 09:12 AM

Not bad, but let me give you just a few pointers bro.

Number one, Yeah they should stop ragging on you, pretty sad to see that even after all the BS MOH Series has gone thru, and how old it is...your STILL getting trashed by losers. Sorry to have to bare witness to it.

Second off, I think you messed up at the point where you said this "... but tell me what you guys think of it!", thats just ASKING for a flame, a b*tch fest, and/or a n00b to come in and trash your hard earned work...just telling you from first hand exp...dont ever use that line, dont EVER ask what they think, make it how you see fit and leave it at that.

Thirdly, I like the skin, its pretty cool....I do think, however (since you asked) that some things can be changed, for example... I dont know if its cause you have your game settings on low (which they should not be if your taking a screen shot of a mod) or if the textures are a bit blurry, but something should be done to sharpen them up a bit...otherwise it looks promising, seeing as it is a WIP. Keep it up...and dont listen to sorry critics, OR people that have no comment at all other then to trash.
