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Stammer is Offline
Posts: 5,021
Join Date: Mar 2005
Default 05-28-2005, 09:33 AM

Best Gaming Moments:
When I was being accused of cheating by an entire clan. Being accused by one of two people is a slight compliment; an entire clan is like the Medal of Honor.

When I ran a server back in the day for MoHAA I had about 6 people come in with some clan tag and they started calling people "zooka noobs" and "mg whore" and I told them to leave if they didn't like it and they told me this was their server and they were going to ban me. So I kicked and banned them all.

Maybe just for me but I get great sense of satisfaction after kicking and banning a bunch of a dickwads who try to ruin the game for other people.
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