05-30-2005, 07:28 PM
Milla, that sucks dude....Just goes to show you should avoid violent confrontations at all costs....
We mostly have bullshit wannabe high school gangs, but only a few actual street gangs that are a worry.
Then we have the mongrel mob, black power (should be called brown power seeing as they're all maori/pacific islanders), and plenty of biker gangs....Then theres the National Front (neo-nazis) who are also a political party - Luckily these gangs run more of a mobster type business and alot of them have a reputation to be pretty decent human beings to the average citizen, despite their terribly frightening appearance, so you're only really in danger if you get involed or get in the way.
I count myself lucky we don't have too many street gangs down here....and those that do exist are pretty small....