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Default 06-01-2005, 07:11 PM

Originally Posted by geRV
Just hope this game isn't dc with a retail price slapped onto it. Dc was an ok mod but the amount of maps airpower totally assraped anything moving just got stupid. From the vids however there seems to be a lot more anti aircraft weapons, plus according to ea the heli's move slower and dont take as much of a beating as they did.
I've watched pretty much every single video released for this and as a heavy DC and BF1942 player I can tell ya this game can't fail, even if certain things are niggly (which every game is upon release) theres always going to be patches and fixes to address every single issue, plus the mods that will come of this will be fantastic. The SDK is apparently easy to use for modders and hopefully we'll see lots more come faster than in the past cool:

I jus pre-ordered it from, £27.99, apparently out on the 24th June, will it arrive at my house on that day, i rarely ever pre-order so i don't know....

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