Thread: Terrorist Tapes
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Default 08-20-2002, 11:12 AM

FWB, to put it blunt and to the point, get that pole thats shoved up your ass out and begin to realise your say aint the final fucking word. Your acting as though you are all knowing, and then go and say your no expert. Well, guess what, you sure as shit aint no expert. Why dont you leave your "philosophical" bullshit at the door and spare us with your constant anti this and anti that crap.

Frankly I'm sick and tired of being told what I can and cant do and think by you. You've basically said I cant go and shoot my gun because YOU dont like them and had the gall to say that I should go find a new past time just because you dont agree with my current one. Two words can clear THAT up pretty damn well and I think you know what they are.

Now your telling us that our hatred toward terrorists and Osama bin Laden is now only coming out after we've seen these images, and that this is more propaganda ?? I dont know where you've been pal, but I dont think the citizens of the US need anymore propaganda to tell them to hate, they already did before seeing those images. After seeing those poor dogs in the videos my blood boiled.

We've been voicing our hatred for terrorists and those responsible MONTHS before you reared your ugly mug around here. With what you've said you've portrayed to me an image of arrogance and a whole lot more. I said dont piss me off, and I mean it. And dont come back with some lame attempt of belittling me because of my choice of words in what I have had to say. Dont even think about it.

Oh, and by the way (this is off topic) your little spin on non lethal ammuntion in the "gun debate" thread was completely incorrect, I just never had the chance to get back to it. Read up a little on something you know little about and you'll realise oh wise and wonderful one that your "non lethal" rounds are infact very lethal and have killed many. That comment really proved to me that you know sweet FA about firearms and ammunition.

Please, dont mind me, I'm tired, a little pissed off because of work, and feeling the effects of an oncoming cold, but please....continue the debate.