08-20-2002, 11:57 AM
after watching the video, the reporter says several times during, 'it is not known at this time who has made this video' 'this video has not shown any new ambitions' and at the end 'this video only prompts new questions, and doesnt give us any answers' why fwb, did you go off on some tangent saying how biased the media is? anyway, i totally agree with ballistic wookie here, if you actually think your going to change peoples own minds you are terribly mistaken. from reading all your posts i get the feeling that you do not appreciate the freedom, liberty, and justice the United States provides you....i get the feeling from you that you are just another cynical know it all. Everyone else in this country are morons, and are 'sheep' right? they dont think for themselves, and should not trust the government. wait, i think i found out who fwb is! its rush limbaugh! give it a rest man, i am growing quite tired of your clearly anti-everything point of view, your starting to remind me of that mel gibson conspiracy theory movie.....relax man! yes our government is very covert, but that is to protect its own people....and yes i agree that people as a whole are pretty easy to coax and arent that intelligent....but thats been known for years.....100 people together are not that smart.....individuals on the other hand....are very smart...