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Default 06-04-2005, 01:20 PM

Originally Posted by "$p!k3":10f98
Commander mode looked very newbie friendly, but I still don't there a timer on Artillery and other functions?
Artillery has to charge so you cant repeatedly spam it, then when you do click where you wnt it to land it takes around 8 seconds to hit, and obviously its not pin point accurate either. As far as i know all the items the commander can use are physically present in your main base, artillery cannons, radar etc so the enemy can go into your base and disable them so you wont have access to them. So base defence plays more of a role instead of all out attack.[/quote:10f98]

I like the sound of that. Parachuting behind enemy lines with some satchel charges finally has a point to it. I'm curious about how long the artillery, etc can be disabled for. Guess until an engineer repairs them?